socio-political writings

An Alleged Case of Discrimination Against a Northeast Indian And Role of Citizen Journalists in Social Media

On 5th April 2012, a popular group on Facebook with nearly 20,000 followers named “Stop Discriminating People From the North-East India” posted an update saying

“Last night, A student from Shillong studying at Delhi University was detained, physically and racially abused by Delhi Police near north campus. One cop abused him “Hindi me baat kar, saala Chinese” and asked if he is engaged in homosexual activities.”

The link to the same is

A preliminary search on Google returned no results regarding the said incident. A question asked regarding the reason why the student was detained in the first place remained unanswered by the administrator of the page. In the meanwhile, a series of comments started streaming in mostly from indignant northeast Indians detailing similar experiences in Delhi and other Indian cities. Another set of people started a series of inflammatory comments clamouring for revenge. A sample of this sort read “let us avenge our brother in our own turf”. While I insisted on more details, all I received was more indignation at the general level of discrimination faced by NE students studying outside their home region as well as questions on my competence to judge the update given my name. Yes, name. In the same breath, racism and homophobia of a set of policemen in Delhi was being exposed and another person was being racially profiled. It did not matter that I myself hail from Shillong and study outside the Northeast. The stock question then was whether I was a Bengali Muslim and in that case, I must be one of those illegal Bangladeshi migrants who have run over NE.

The entire episode raises a number of key questions:

  1. If the student was actually detained and treated as mentioned, what actions are being taken against the policemen who are then guilty of racial profiling, homophobia as well as denying an Indian citizen the use of a language of his choice?

  2. Given the same assumption, why was the student detained in the first place? And why was this information withheld?

  3. What sort of role do unaccountable citizen journalists like the admin of the said page play in spreading information, especially information that is liable to incite communal tension? Continue reading
