
Prismic Horcruxes

Spend a few years working with math and you invariably like how simple straight lines are to work with. The artsy sort would probably deride linearity. Or perhaps, it’s now in. I don’t know what artsy sorts think. And when. Economists love them straight. Which is not to say that we’re all homophobes. We sure like to digress.

After all, what’s not to like about straight lines? They’re straight, they’re uncomplicated and light rays like to travel along them.

Think of prisms suspended in a vacuum. Small prisms, large ones; symmetrical and not; some touched by colour and some out of that textbook you once read. And then there was consciousness, like a solitary ray of light in a box. Speeding down those straights. Cutting straight through the maze.

In fact, she never gets to the other end. Because they are ever shifting, ever moving. And in a split second, or a lifetime, consciousness could be in here, there or somewhere entirely different. Or it could be everywhere all at once, a fragmented consciousness, prismic Horcruxes, each wishing to be somewhere else, someone else. If only they were aligned differently. Until all you want to be is not.

P.S. I’d blame the shoddy science on the EM Bypass.
